Premium Listings allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business for an entire year. Direct visitors to your website by leveraging our website traffic. Showcase your reviews, videos, company logo and social media pages or offers. Receive valuable bonuses that boost your online presence when you submit your listing.
Click here for more info on what’s included
$297 Per Premium Listing for 1 Year (including GST) PLUS $547 added bonuses included.
Featured listings allow you to prominently and permanently call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website social media pages or offers by leveraging our website traffic.
$75 (including GST) Per Ad Space for 30 days.
Payment is for 3 months recurring, but You can Cancel at Anytime within this 3 months.
We will use your company logo as the image on the home page.
Placement ads allow you to immediately call attention to your business and direct visitors to your website, social media pages, or offers by leveraging our website traffic through our listings section.
$75 (including GST) Per Ad Space for 30 days. Image size should be 1000 x 600 pixels.
Payment is for 3 months recurring, but You can Cancel at Anytime within this 3 months.
If you don’t have a suitable banner image, we can create one for you.
$115 (including GST) for ad creation including upto 2 revisions.
Your ad placement will run on all site listing pages for 30 days.
For more information on our listings, services or advertising your business on our website, please contact us today!